Why Women Are Slipping Through The Cracks

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Fourth Trimester Podcast Episode 31: Why Women Are Slipping Through The Cracks

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. Here at the Fourth Trimester Podcast we have published a number of shows that concentrate on the topic of maternal (and paternal!) mental health.

The number one complication of pregnancy is a form of postpartum depression or anxiety. Despite how common it is for women to experience a degree of anxiety or depression associated during pregnancy or postnatally, there are still cases where women aren’t receiving the care they need.

Maureen Fura
Maureen Fura, Writer & Director of Dark Side Of The Full Moon

To help crack the issue wide open, Maureen Fura and her co-producer Jennifer Silliman created a documentary film entitled, The Dark Side Of The Full Moon.

The issue is dear to Marueen’s heart. She was suicidal during her pregnancy and had dozens of counselors, OBs, psychiatrists and social workers tell her there was nothing they could do to help her. No wonder she took the matter into her own hands. She was particularly motivated to seek help before her baby was born because she was worried about the baby being taken away. Then again, she also planned to take her own life after the baby was born. These feelings are very real, and sadly, very common.

The good news here is that the more light we can shed on the topic, the more men and women can help themselves and one another. If you are having any of these feelings, for example, from a simple ‘not feeling myself’ to a deeper ‘my baby is better off without me’, then please know you are not alone. There are ways to get better! Here are some resources:

Here’s where you can watch the trailer for Dark Side of the Full Moon:

Note, per the filmmaker’s guidance, the film is extremely triggering and it should not to be watched by anyone currently suffering and/or recovering from a maternal mental health complication 

Selected links

Connect with Maureen Fura Bio | LinkedIn | mammha.com (Maureen’s latest project!)

Learn more The Myths Of MotherhoodPostpartum Recovery Plan

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