Emily Flynn is a doula and health consultant who provides valuable advice for both doulas and clients on the importance of having a doula contract. She highlights the importance of doula contracts for setting expectations, clarifying services, and protecting the rights of both parties.
Doula Contract
Doulas are professional care providers that support families. Listen to episode 73 to understand more about how doula contracts work and what you need to look out for when you hire your birth team.
When it comes to putting a contract together, it’s a conversation… it can be intimidating for both sides (parents and the doula). But the conversation can be a hugely productive way to set up expectations for everybody . It’s okay to negotiate and talk… but also respecting our profession. – Emily Flynn
In this episode of the Fourth Trimester Podcast, Emily Flynn shares her experience as a health consultant and how she went into women’s healthcare and postpartum care. Her services include consulting, workshops and speaking engagements, focusing on providing support to new parents. To ensure that clients understand their expectations of her services, she includes a postpartum expectations handout in her contract.
Her dream is to work with young women transitioning out of pediatric care, as well as helping to create a space where parents can talk openly about postpartum struggles. When advising clients, she focuses on the personal, practical and social aspects of postpartum care, and providing strategies to support the parents’ needs. Emily also educates clients on the importance of building a supportive network in their life and talking to friends and family about the challenging aspects of postpartum. Through her work, she hopes to increase awareness and help reduce the stigma associated with postpartum.

About Emily Flynn
Emily Flynn is a birth and postpartum doula and health consultant in the Bay Area. She specializes in connecting folks in various places in their gynecological health cycles with compassionate and evidence-based care providers best suited to their individual needs. Emily’s journey into birth work started through her legal research work with international organizations supporting migrants and refugees, which has informed and inspired her work with other birth care providers in building solid contracts and safe, strong, and satisfying businesses.
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Postpartum Expectations
Why do Doulas Cost So Much?
The content provided in this article(s) is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or other professional advice. Neither Sarah Trott nor Fourth Trimester Media Group LLC are liable for claims arising from the use of or reliance on information contained in this article.