The Myths Of Motherhood

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Fourth Trimester Podcast Episode 32: The Myths Of Motherhood

Our latest guest is Dr Shoshana Bennett. She helps us bust up some “myths of motherhood.”

Emerging from her own nightmare with postpartum depression thirty years ago, Dr. Shoshana Bennett started a crusade that has taken her into the lives of thousands of women across North America and around the world… helping them rebuild their lives and helping families heal.

As a keynote speaker, guest lecturer and radio talkshow host, Dr. Shosh knows that positive thought, hope and the ability to apply sound physical and mental knowledge are powerful things… and she helps her clients do that every day. Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D. (“Dr. Shosh”) from the popular Radio Show is the author of “Pregnant on Prozac“, “Postpartum Depression For Dummies“, and co-author of “Beyond the Blues: Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression & Anxiety“.

(Quote from

Dr Shoshana Bennett
Dr Shoshana Bennett

“It’s so amazing to me that in this day and this year, the myths of motherhood are still so alive and well,” Dr Shoshana Bennett says. There are myths about how we should feel during labor and delivery and how we should get pregnant and stay pregnant, how you can breathe to not feel pain … and on and on.

A few common postpartum myths:

  • Breastfeeding should be easy because women have been doing this for 1,000s of years
  • My relationship with my husband will be perfect because the baby has cemented our relationship
  • If I love my kids enough I won’t need to take any breaks because it is all about the baby
  • If I were strong enough I’d be able to do this all by myself without any support
  • You’re pregnant so you should be happy because you’re having a baby

None of these are true! (Hence the word “myths”!)

Often, when we acknowledge that these are indeed false ideas, the pressure to be perfect is alleviated and some of the feelings of depression dissipate.

Of course there are biochemical causes of postpartum depression that require support from professionals. However, by helping set realistic expectations for yourself and sharing those with your partner and family, you can save yourself from being too hard on yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually and psychologically.

All new parents need support. No matter what.  Here are some resources Dr Shosh recommends:

“Concentrate on YOUR wellness rather than worrying about this and that. You becoming the healthiest parent you can possibly be is the biggest gift to your child. So, make you the project!”


Here is Dr Shosh speaking about maternal health complications:

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Selected links

Connect with Dr Shoshana Bennett ContactDr Shosh Radio Show | Dark Side Of The Full Moon

Dr Shoshana’s books Children of the Depressed: Healing the Childhood Wounds That Come from Growing Up with a Depressed ParentPostpartum Depression For DummiesPregnant on Prozac: The Essential Guide To Making The Best Decision For You And Your BabyBeyond the Blues: Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

Learn more Why Women Are Slipping Through The CracksPostpartum OCD Is A Thing |

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