Our Family Coalition – LGBTQ+ Parenting

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Fourth Trimester Podcast Episode 61: Our Family Coalition – LGBTQ+ Parenting

LGBTQ+ Parenting and the community organization that supports it in the Bay Area are our topic in this episode. Our Family Coalition is a non profit that is also involved in policy work and advocacy throughout the state of California. Our guests Dy Nguyen and Jeanette Page bring their individual and collective experience to the show to talk about family-making outside the heterosexual box.

LGBTQ+ Parenting

We discuss:

  • Differences in the process of becoming a family with kids
  • Getting pregnant— finding a donor/partner/village, acquiring sperm, insemination services
  • What the LGBTQ “village” can look like
  • Our Family Coalition programs: playgroups, support groups, parenting classes
  • Big events

Dy Nguyen

Dy Nguyen
Dy Nguyen

Dy Nguyen is a queer woman of color, a community organizer, and a mother of two beautiful children whom she proudly birthed at home.  Raising a queer identified family with her wife in the Mission neighborhood of San Francisco, Dy came on our show to tell us about their journey in becoming parents and the unique process that many queer families face. She also participates and teaches classes for Our Family Coalition.

Dy Nguyen, a parent leader who facilitates the monthly LGBTQ Family Meetup at Community Well.

Jeannette Page

Jeannette Page
Jeannette Page

Jeanette Page is the Family Programs Coordinator at Our Family Coalition. She grew up in the world of daycare—her mother provided family daycare in their home. Her professional history includes a background in social justice, anti-oppression and sexual assault intervention work.

Jeannette is a dedicated and passionate advocate for youth and families, with ten years of nonprofit programming experience. She has worked primarily in sexual assault response and prevention providing direct services to survivors of violence and their loved ones, navigating criminal justice and social service systems, and facilitating community education workshops on abuse prevention. Jeannette also has significant experience in youth social justice programs, empowering youth to take action and be change agents in their schools and communities. Jeannette was raised in her mom’s home daycare on the Sacramento River, and has been helping raise children since she herself was a child. She’s a queer femme who enjoys puppies, swimming, and progressive social change. Jeannette has a B.A. in Sociology, is a California state-certified sexual assault and domestic violence counselor, and is excited to bring her skills and training to OFC’s family programs.

Selected links

Connect with Dy Nguyen communitywellsf.com

Connect with Jeanette Page ourfamily.org | Facebook

Learn more Family Equality Council’s list of LGBTQ+ Parent GroupsRadical Doula Miriam Zoila Pérez On Birth Support PoliticsPreparing For Life With A Newborn

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