Hyperemesis And Being Awake At 3AM

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Suzannah Neufeld, MFT, yoga therapist has dropped by my house to have tea and discuss her new book Awake At 3AM and tell us about how she applies insights both from psychotherapy and yoga/mindfulness practice to help parents through the very challenging perinatal period. Suzannah herself suffered with grueling hyperemesis and was thrown into depression and anxiety as a result. Hear her story and learn about her approach to helping us with the tough stuff.

In this episode of Fourth Trimester Podcast, hosts Sarah Trott and Esther Gallagher introduce their guest, Suzannah Neufeld, who speaks about her experience with hyperemesis in her first pregnancy and postpartum depression after having her second.

Suzannah Neufeld then discusses her new book, which explores the experience of postpartum depression and how yoga can be used as a form of therapy. Suzanne talks about her book, Awake at 3 A.M., and how yoga can help those with pregnancy and postpartum-related anxiety and depression.

The episode offers a great insight into how yoga and writing can help us process emotions and understand the complexities of being a mother.

Suzannah Neufeld

Suzannah’s website is http://suzannahneufeld.com/

Suzannah Neufeld, MFT (#LMFT44759), C-IAYT is a licensed psychotherapist and certified yoga therapist.  Rather than encouraging clients to focus on what is wrong with them, Suzannah believes in helping clients figure out what is right with them, enabling them to call upon their innate strength and wisdom.  She meets her clients with a compassionate yet direct manner, using mindfulness skills, gentle and honest confrontation, and humor/playfulness to help them gain perspective and live more fully and freely.

Areas of expertise include: eating disorders/body image and food concerns, pregnancy and early parenting, anxiety disorders, OCD, and young adulthood.

Suzannah is the author of the new book Awake at 3 a.m.: Yoga Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Pregnancy and Early Motherhood, from Parallax Press. She is also a contributing author in Yoga Rising: 30 Empowering Stories from Renegades for Every Body by Melanie Klein.


The content provided in this article(s) is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or other professional advice. Neither Sarah Trott nor Fourth Trimester Media Group LLC are liable for claims arising from the use of or reliance on information contained in this article.