Sara Mauskopf CEO and Co-founder of Winnie Talks About Her Fourth Trimester Experience

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Fourth Trimester Podcast Episode 30: Winnie Founder Sara Mauskopf’s Fourth Trimester Experience

Sara Mauskopf came home from the hospital with a healthy baby. She herself on the other hand, while healthy otherwise, struggled with postpartum depression. With help from her family, friends and professionals, she came out the other side fully recovered. Her experience as a new mom, both because of the depression and in general, helped inspire her to create parenting app Winnie.

“There’s so much that parents need at all phases of life, especially at the beginning,” Sara says. She hopes that more technology companies begin to pay increased attention to the needs of parents and start to build more technology solutions to parenting. While not all parenting needs can have a technological solution, such as needing a human to come over to the house and babysit, there are still major opportunities to consolidate fragmented information and make that information easily accessible for parents. “If parents had more information at their fingertips, they’d have more time to spend with their children.”

Be it Winnie or another app or online resource, we encourage parents of all types to seek the information and support they need. And there’s no need to wait until after baby is born. While you’re expecting is a great time to explore the resources around you for everything from parenting meetups to breastfeeding support to local kid-friendly restaurants and everything else.

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