
Why You Need A Contract For Your Doula

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Emily Flynn is a birth and postpartum doula and health consultant in the Bay Area. She specializes in connecting folks in various places in their gynecological health cycles with compassionate and evidence-based care providers best suited to their individual needs. Emily’s journey into birth work started through her legal research work with international organizations supporting migrants and refugees, which has informed and inspired her work with other birth care providers in building solid contracts and safe, strong, and satisfying businesses. 


The Importance Of Birth Education (Know Your Options!)

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Sometimes simply knowing your options is what makes all the difference. Education is key for pregnant mothers as they prepare for their birth and early motherhood.
Birth Education is important for women because the “childbearing year” of pregnancy, labor, birth and the fourth trimester,  is the moment where fundamental respect, care and nurturing can be experienced and where culture-change can begin in each life with the benefits paying forward to individuals and society.
In this episode we have the honor and delight of speaking with a mother-daughter duo whose work together spans this cultural intervention of doula work in the context of social justice.  We weave together these elements along with the practical benefits of doula care. We explore the generational and traditional threads of women caring for families.