This is our second and brief interview with Jane Honikman, a founding member of the Postpartum Education for Parents resource ( as well as Postpartum Support International ( that includes a telephone support line and partner with Dr Shoshana Bennett in Postpartum Action Institute.
Jane gives us an overview and outline for finding ourselves on the spectrum of mental health. Listen to the episode to find out how to identify different parts of the continuum and better understand where you yourself might fall on that spectrum.
She talks about her time studying with Dr. James Hamilton who was interested in maternal mental health at a time when it might have seemed as if no one cared or understood, much like today in many women’s experience!
Preparing to Enjoy the Fourth Trimester
There is a lot to think about when you’re expecting a new little one, especially for the first-time parent. Episode 2 of the Fourth Trimester podcast helps answer the following question: What advice do we have for new parents-to-be before they give birth, so that they can make the most of their 4th trimester?
Seven Factors That Influence The First Forty Days (& Recipes!)
Familiarize yourself with the key factors that influence the postpartum period—and then imagine how you will handle each one and what kind of help you would be comfortable accepting in the process.
Fourth Trimester Traditions – Lisa Chin Shares Her Confinement Story
Cultures around the world recognize and honor the precious first months a new mother has to heal after having a baby. Traditions include providing a new mother with food, warmth, a clean house, and emotional support. Basically, the idea is that new mom doesn’t have to do anything other than eat, feed her baby, sleep and recover.
What is the Fourth Trimester? What is a doula?
The introductory episode of Fourth Trimester answers questions around doula care, postpartum care, and helps provide parents with an overview of some care options. For example, what are the strategies for taking care of the partner and the rest of the family while looking after your newborn?