
Why Healthcare Professionals Choose Home Birth

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‘Why Not Home: The Surprising Birth Choices of Doctors and Midwives’ is about “changing the conversation about birth in America and spreading evidence-based information about birth across settings.” The short answer to home birth or hospital birth question is that there is no right answer. “Both options carry risks”, Jessicca is quick to point out. However, some of the risks of a hospital birth are introduced by the fact that most hospital births come with an increased risk of interventions that would not have occurred at home. If you’re considering a home birth, or just researching in general, we’d recommend listening to the episode and watching ‘Why Not Home’ on iTunes, Amazon or Vimeo.


An Introduction To RIE Infant Parenting

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This episode of the podcast is a high-level introduction of RIE infant parenting. Some of the themes discussed are about slowing down, truly connecting with your baby by giving them your full attention, and creating some predictability for your infant as part of the day-to-day routines. Listen to learn how to apply some of these principles to your own experience as a new parent.

Mental Health

The True Story About Postpartum Psychosis

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Shortly after the birth of my daughter, I spent 10 days locked in the psych ward of the hospital after my postpartum depression and psychosis made me suicidal. In my altered psychotic state, I thought my house was bugged and the police were coming to arrest me for a crime for which I was wrongly accused. I thought the only way out of my crisis was to kill myself, so I told my mom and husband that I was going to go jump off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Mental Health , Postpartum Support

Pinpoint Where You Are on the Spectrum of Mental Health

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This is our second and brief interview with Jane Honikman, a founding member of the Postpartum Education for Parents resource ( as well as Postpartum Support International ( that includes a telephone support line and partner with Dr Shoshana Bennett in Postpartum Action Institute.
Jane gives us an overview and outline for finding ourselves on the spectrum of mental health. Listen to the episode to find out how to identify different parts of the continuum and better understand where you yourself might fall on that spectrum.
She talks about her time studying with Dr. James Hamilton who was interested in maternal mental health at a time when it might have seemed as if no one cared or understood, much like today in many women’s experience!